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Gum Depigmentation

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Gum Depigmentation and Bleaching in Covington, GA

At Creative Dentistry of Covington in Covington, GA, we provide gum depigmentation (also known as gum bleaching) to help you get healthier-looking gums by removing dark patches and discoloration. Get a brighter smile with healthier-looking gums with laser depigmentation near you!

What causes gum pigmentation?

Gum pigmentation can easily be diagnosed. It causes easily visible dark patches in your gums; this is due to higher levels of melanin. It’s important to understand that this pigmentation is usually influenced by genetics and lifestyle habits such as chronic smoking. While the dark patches are mostly superficial and are not usually a sign of any worry, some people can’t bear the sight of it as it looks unhealthy. Healthy gums are typically pink in color; people with dark patches in their gums usually opt for treatments like laser gum depigmentation to help get rid of it. Note that gum depigmentation may not suit you if you have periodontal disease or thin gum tissue (where tooth roots can visibly be seen). Get in touch with your dentist to discuss your options and alternative treatments.

How can gum pigmentation be treated?

Gum depigmentation starts with a routine dental assessment where your dentist will determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment. A laser is then used to eliminate the top layer of the gum where the pigmentation occurs and reveals the healthy gums underneath. Gum bleaching is a painless and non-invasive treatment that produces natural-looking results. It is relatively straightforward and usually does not require follow-up appointments. The results from it can often last a lifetime, with most patients achieving a more natural and balanced gum color following the treatment.

Will laser depigmentation cause any pain?

While you may feel slight discomfort, the treatment shouldn’t cause you any pain as a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area. Since a laser does not cause any irritation to the gums, it also numbs the area naturally. After the treatment, your dentist may prescribe you some antibiotics to help manage any dental pain.

Post-treatment dental care and recovery times

As gum bleaching is a non-invasive treatment, most patients are usually back to their routine within a few days. While general numbness and discomfort after the procedure are normal, you shouldn’t experience any unmanageable dental pain. You are advised to contact our dental clinic as soon as possible if you experience severe dental pain and swelling following the procedure.

Do you want to get rid of the pigmentation in your gums? Book an appointment at our dental clinic at CONTACT DETAILS. Here at Creative Dentistry of Covington, we strive to provide our patients with excellent dental care at affordable prices. All procedures are done in a comfortable and relaxing setting by a qualified practitioner. If you need more information on your financing options and coverage, get in touch with our team to learn more about our accepted payment methods. Book your appointment at our dental clinic today!

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