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How Long Does Invisalign Require to Straighten Teeth?

How Long Does Invisalign Require to Straighten Teeth?

Nov 01, 2021

Invisalign® is developing in popularity as an orthodontic treatment because people appreciate that the aligners are clear and almost imperceptible. They can take them out while eating. One of the first inquiries people ask our Orthodontists about Invisalign is: “How long will it require straightening my teeth with an Invisalign implant in Covington, GA?”

The easier answer is: “It depends.” For most common cases, treatment time with Invisalign aligners can be just about as short as a half year. Typically, Invisalign will require 12 to 18 months to straighten your teeth.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign® is a new type of teeth straightening technique. Rather than utilizing brackets like metal and ceramic braces do, Invisalign utilizes clear aligner trays.

Since these aligners gradually move your teeth, you can’t utilize one set for all time. Actually like traditional braces should be fixed now and again, you need to switch aligners regularly also. Depending upon your circumstance, you’ll need between 25 to 40 clear aligner trays to get your teeth completely straight.

How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?

Invisalign® is an excellent way of straightening your teeth without the issue or inconvenience of traditional metal braces. Individuals also wonder “How long does Invisalign require to straighten teeth?”

A course of treatment at the Invisalign dental clinic in Covington requires a year for most adults. But the right time will fluctuate depending on one person to another. Many individuals begin seeing a difference in their teeth in a few months of the use of aligners.

Permanent Retainer After Invisalign

Invisalign retainers gradually make the teeth straight after your Invisalign treatment is finished. Permanent or fixed retainers are made of a metal wire that is stuck to your teeth.

Normally, this wire is smooth, strong, and has a twisted texture. It’s connected to your teeth and adjusted to your bite to hold your teeth back from shifting or becoming crooked.

A permanent retainer after Invisalign® is common, particularly on the bottom teeth if you had minimal teeth crowding before beginning your treatment. It is useful when a patient has a space between their top front teeth.

What Happens After Last Invisalign Tray?

After the last tray comes off and your outcomes are verified, you can hope to begin wearing an Invisalign retainer. Retainers are an important part of your treatment. These retainers keep the teeth adjusted and give them something to incline toward so they can’t move once again into their original positions.

This can particularly be an issue for young people because their bones are not yet completely solidified. Moreover, you can’t utilize your Invisalign as a retainer.

Retainers used today are more satisfactory and less intrusive than earlier styles. There are some essential things regarding retainers that an emergency dentist in Covington, GA, suggests. For example,

  • Do not eat with the retainer in your mouth. Viscous food can stick out on it. It is ideal to eliminate the retainer while eating and place it in its place when you’re done.
  • Do not drink hot refreshments with the retainer in as this can soften or harm them.
  • Make sure to flush the retainer between taking it out and returning it to your mouth. You must clean it appropriately one time per day.

Invisalign Durability

Invisalign® is an incredibly famous technique for fixing crowding of teeth, teeth developed out of the way, and holes between the teeth. While they fill a similar purpose as braces, their techniques are unique.

Most prominently, Invisalign® uses a progression of clear plastic aligner trays to move a few teeth slowly. However, these clear aligners are tough, durable, and are indestructible.

Are You Ready for Invisalign?

Invisalign® is an excellent option in contrast to traditional braces not just because you would be able to take them out whenever you desire but they’re also extremely discreet.

Are you ready for a more stunning smile? Contacting the Invisalign dentist near you may be the best answer for you. Wearing Invisalign is an incredible choice for teens and adults that hate metal braces. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or Invisalign appointment and find out whether you are a suitable candidate for this treatment.

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